
Note box sizes

Posted under General

Whenever a note has a single word in plaintext and another in the tag, the pop-up is extremely thin, even if the word is, say, five letters long. However, have more than one word (at least in plaintext), and the box accomadates (even if there is a scrollbar, it's only a sliver's difference). Is this something with my browser (Opera), or is it an actual fluke?Latest run-in: post #484761

Updated by 0xCCBA696

Confirmed in Opera 9.63, not in Firefox 3.5.1 or Safari 4.0. The problem seems to be in notes that don't have a min-width set in their inline style. The other browsers are sizing them correctly, whereas Opera is making them really thin.

Works fine in Firefox 3.5.1.

Please don't just randomly pick out what katakana or hiragana you can read in a phrase and put a translation box on it. Translate whole standalone phrases / sentences or don't translate at all.

For better aesthetics (imo) put on the same line as the last line of actual translation text.