
Tag Alias: aka

Posted under General

Aliasing aka_(pixiv193029)aka_(pixiv).
Alasing/Mass editing aka_(artist)aka_(red_shine).

Reason: aka_(artist) has a site to go by. aka_(pixiv193029) doesn't, and his/her username is complete gibberish, so we'll have to go by aka_(pixiv) it seems. I'm unsure about aliasing aka_(artist); given that the whole point of change is to disambiguate between two artists called aka, it probably makes sense to mass edit and leave the tag free (and potentially marked ambiguous).

Updated by jxh2154

Aliasing aka_(pixiv193029) → aka_(pixiv).
Alasing/Mass editing aka_(artist) → aka_(red_shine).

aka_(pixiv) seems to be in use, but for a couple different artists, both of whom had a separate entry already and then there's a character mixed in there, and then more mistagging led me to change like 4 different artists... it's a total clusterfuck, but I've straightened it all out now. I think.

So, done.