
privileged user

Posted under General

That may be, but from what I can see so far there is not much in the way of getting a hold of any privileged users, and making friends with them. well other then just leaving messages here. as you cant realy post anyware eles...

What about offering new content to the site? I have a lot that I had before Danbooru went down and was a member of RenChan before they shut down. I Like the ability to tag images here, makes for finding relevant material very easy. I'll try to add what I can but what about content that isn't work safe? Can Non privileged users upload that kind of content or not? I Too would like to eventually become privileged but understand I have to earn it.

Just remember, It's all about the honour system and beggers can never be choosers. It's pretty much the be yourself, not the leech. Someone who's a good contributor [whether or not posting images].