
Downvoting changes

Posted under General

All the new changes have done is more down voting on images in which MOST have a minimum of 1- score because ignoring the image you don't like doesn't seem to be the option for those people, which is seriously uncalled for.
I don't see the point of downvoting anymore when all the images around here are just a score of 0 or 1.

I really hate this new, 2-tier system for voting -- it removes the ability for me to easily see what the GENERAL Danbooru user thinks of an upload.
From what I see, if it's not Touhou/Vocaloid, it is going to get voted down.

That's by design. We don't want you to consider what the general Danbooru user thinks, because what he thinks is "eheuheheuhehue TITS". I agree that "yay Touhou~~! :3" is not much better, but at least that's something you can easily exclude from searches.

Fencedude said:
Actually its more like "EHEHEHEHEHEHE DICKS"

Which is odd.

Nah, the majority of images on here are of females so LaC is right with the "Yay Tits!". A solo picture of a male nude will get downvoted, while a nude female will get voted up in an instant.

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