
Regarding akiraka_ryomi as Lost Saga artist

Posted under General

I don't know if the category was right or not, as I only to inform you that, akiraka ryomi did not draw the lost saga character. He/she stated that the drawing was drawn by his friends for the lost saga character design. Also ryomi must be forget about the friend who draw the character itself since the game has been closed.

沒有耶 抱歉 都是朋友畫的(´・ω・`) --> ryomi statement if all the character was drawn by his friends


很抱歉 自從遊戲關服之後 就沒什麼在聯絡了 找不到人(´・ω・`)...--> ryomi forgot the contact of his/her friends.

It should be noted, akiraka_ryomi aka ownedchibi does not any original artwork in his DA, as most of the are just a rendering from another artist. I really wonder who put him/her in lost saga character.
