
Character tags for original Friends (Kemono Friends)

Posted under Tags

How should original Friends be tagged, character-wise? (For copyright, kemono_friends original is obvious). Most of these characters only seem to have one post, yet they're getting character tags, and with _(kemono_friends) on the end to boot. For example: post #3007172, post #3007178, post #2952096. The only one I'm aware of with more than a post or two is giant_otter_(kemono_friends), which is probably worthy of its own tag.

For a similar case, it looks like we have original precure characters tagged with _(artist_name), which could work here; or something like _(original_friend) or _(original_kemono_friend).

What are our options? Let's use the wooly rhinoceros as the example, and assume in all options we're using the series tags "kemono_friends original"

  • We could leave out the character tag. If there's only one picture of that character, the only people who want it but can't find it would be trying to search for kemono friends wooly rhinoceros original characters, or kemono friends style wooly rhinoceros characters regardless of whether they're official or not. The first search could probably be satisfied with "kemono_friends original" since it's only 4 pages. People who view the post would see the "original" tag and lack of character tag and know what's going on.
  • We could character tag "wooly_rhinoceros_(kemono_friends)" as if it's official. This would benefit people who want to find kemono friends style wooly rhinoceros characters regardless of whether they're official or not, but it could cause all kinds of other problems later on.
  • We could character tag "wooly_rhinoceros_(original_kemono_friend)" but I can't think of any benefits this option gives that other options don't also give.
  • We could character tag "wooly_rhinoceros_(nuemamoru_eion)" which I think is the best option. If people want to search for its pictures but forgot the artist's name, they can search for "kemono_friends wooly_rhinoceros_*"