
Virtual Youtuber Tag

Posted under Tags

Given that anyone can become a virtual youtuber themselves just like "idol" or "livestreamer", and there are no particular person that's owning the concept of virtual youtuber, I don't think it'd appropriate to make a copyright tag for it? Maybe a pool or something would be more appropriate?

c933103 said:

Given that anyone can become a virtual youtuber themselves just like "idol" or "livestreamer", and there are no particular person that's owning the concept of virtual youtuber, I don't think it'd appropriate to make a copyright tag for it? Maybe a pool or something would be more appropriate?

True, the definition is a bit hard to pin down. At first I was thinking in similar vein to fate_(series) tag where one could browse all the images for all the channels at once, but...

kittey said:

Definitely not a copyright tag, but if it’s an objectively taggable concept, it can be a general tag.

You could tag post #2980156 with trait_connection.

... a general tag may be more appropriate.

How does the Original tag work under Copyright category? Perhaps Virtual_youtuber (or virtual_idol) would work on the same logic?

Another comparison is vocaloids (copyright) and vocaloid_append (general)