
Pokémon Villanous Teams' Uniforms

Posted under Tags

Yeah, it'd help distinguish between "Team Rocket" the uniform and "Team Rocket" the group. That way, those cosplaying as Team Rocket would just get the team_Rocket_uniform tag instead of the team_rocket tag. Also, members of Team Rocket but not wearing the uniform would get the team_rocket tag, but not the team_rocket_uniform tag.

Another case where the *_(cosplay) is creating stupid green tags.
Why is team_rocket a green tag now?

Use team_rocket_grunt_(cosplay) for that stuff orif it's a well know member, use for example musashi_(pokemon)_(cosplay). Seriously, we have the character tags to describe that stuff. No need to make general tags into green tags. And I probably did that in the past, too. But since I notice know how blergh this is, I'd undo this as soon as possible and replace team_rocket_(cosplay with team_rocket_grunt_(cosplay) or if it'S a known character with their name.

Hillside_Moose said:

team_rocket_uniform wouldn't help to distinguish, because people will still tag "canon" members with both it and team_rocket. It wouldn't make sense to a layperson to leave off team_rocket off team_rocket_uniform either, so the former will end up being a pseudo-umbrella tag anyway. At the very least team_rocket_(cosplay) makes it clear that people wearing the uniforms don't normally wear it in the first place.

You might be surprised... Once the uniform tags were created, I've found that tag gardeners are very swift in either removing or adding tags as necessary. Going through my own upload tag report, I've consistently seen posts that were accidentally tagged with a uniform or missing a uniform get correctly tagged. Never underestimate the power of OCD.

Chiera said:

This tag is still uneccessary.
It's a team_rocket uniform search basically if the uniform tag gets added.

No, as I already stated, there are a multitude of cases...

Team Rocket member presentNo Team Rocket member
Team Rocket uniform wornTeam Rocket + Team Rocket uniformTeam Rocket uniform
No Team Rocket uniformTeam RocketNothing

So in the cases where no member of Team Rocket is present but the uniform is in the image would get tagged Team Rocket uniform and not Team Rocket, thus it would not be a rehash of the team_rocket uniform search like you said.

BrokenEagle98 said:

No, as I already stated, there are a multitude of cases...

Team Rocket member presentNo Team Rocket member
Team Rocket uniform wornTeam Rocket + Team Rocket uniformTeam Rocket uniform
No Team Rocket uniformTeam RocketNothing

So in the cases where no member of Team Rocket is present but the uniform is in the image would get tagged Team Rocket uniform and not Team Rocket, thus it would not be a rehash of the team_rocket uniform search like you said.

I'd still tag that as Team rocket, even if you can only see the uniform.
Team Rocket is not a character tag but a gentag tag that includes 1. Members, 2. Cosplay and 3. the uniform.
That's also what's written in the wiki. You don't need a person to use the team rocket tag.

Chiera said:

I'd still tag that as Team rocket, even if you can only see the uniform.
Team Rocket is not a character tag but a gentag tag that includes 1. Members, 2. Cosplay and 3. the uniform.
That's also what's written in the wiki. You don't need a person to use the team rocket tag.

Just because it's in the wiki doesn't mean it has to be that way.

To me, it seems like Team Rocket is trying to be a tag for every single situation ever. From what you're describing, it's trying to be a group tag, and a cosplay tag, and also a uniform tag. I know of no other tags on this site with such an umbrella of coverage and ambiguity.

I know from topic #14567 that group tags are apparently a thing, and I guess that's okay. I also know from my own work that uniform tags are a thing, and they don't even have to be tagged with *_uniform to qualify. A few examples off the top of my head are Squidbeak Splatoon, Salmon Run, and the multitudes of Idolmaster uniforms. Finally there are the cosplay tags, and AFAIK, all cosplay tags end in *_(cosplay) and have a parent character tag. As you stated yourself in forum #137949 and forum #137954, team_rocket is not a character tag.

Given the utter complexity that the Team Rocket tag and its like are currently laced with, I'm for the creation of the Team Rocket Uniform, both to separate its use as a group tag along with its use as a cosplay/uniform tag.

However, it's clear where both of our opinions lie. Let's see if there's enough support either way to change the way things are.

Chiera said:

If we want to complicate that stuff then yes, we should split those tags apart and create this new one :/.

BrokenEagle98 said:

However, it's clear where both of our opinions lie. Let's see if there's enough support either way to change the way things are.