
Upload formula missing

Posted under Bugs & Features

Sometime between today and yesterday, the little formula on people's account pages showing the breakdown of the math involved in calculating the number of uploads they had remaining has vanished.

Instead, it's been replaced by a cryptic fraction with no explanation. I eventually figured out that it's [number of uploads on cooldown] / [max number of uploads possible] through trial and error, but it's not explained anywhere I could find.

To the best of my knowledge, this wasn't broken. Please don't try to fix it; I rather liked the full formula.

Yeah, I forgot to mention in that forum post, but hovering over the first number (total used slots) shows when the next upload slot is available, and hovering over the second number (total available slots) shows all most of the forumula work that goes into it.

A few details are missing, but they are somewhat minor...

  • It's called Del. Rate, but it's actually a Deletion Confidence
  • The upload limit should actually be: MIN(BASE X MULTIPLIER, 10) ** Basically, your upload limit will never fall below 10

The formula that was shown previously wasn't the full formula. This is the full formula:

Remaining uploads = max(max(min(A * 10, 50) * (1 - min((100 * (D/Ut + Z*Z/(2*Ut) - Z*sqrt((D/Ut*(1-D/Ut) + Z*Z/(4*Ut))/Ut))/(1+Z*Z/Ut)) / 15, 15)), 10) - (Ud - Uc/3), 0)


A = account age in months
D = total deletions in last 60 days
Ut = total uploads in last 60 days
Ud = uploads in last 24 hours
Uc = comic uploads in last 24 hours
Z = 1.96

All that was changed was to break down how the penalty multiplier to your base limit is derived from your deletion ratio. If anyone else knows a better way to explain this, I'd love to hear it.

Question about "comic" uploads:
Would it be possible to cheat this if you'd just add comic to every of your non-comic upload, wait until this post gets approved and then remove the comic tag? I hope not that it works that easily to circumvent.

Chiera said:

Question about "comic" uploads:
Would it be possible to cheat this if you'd just add comic to every of your non-comic upload, wait until this post gets approved and then remove the comic tag? I hope not that it works that easily to circumvent.

Yeah... if you like being banned... <__< Such behavior would clearly be noticeable and reported.

CodeKyuubi said:

You'd probably have a better rate if you didn't upload so much western/pseudo-western art styles.

Ice coooold... (really though, the same thing has been echoed in topic #7934 to not much surprise)

This thread seems to already have wrapped up though; I think the restriction works just fine. I disliked the queue when I started uploading (as I constantly forced my limit, all the time, preventing myself from uploading the streaming stuff), but typically the promotions happen in due time. If there are complaints about it or pleas to change it, those would likely be more fitting a new and separate thread.