
[REJECTED] Tag alias: gezuntaito -> gesundheit

Posted under Tags

create alias gezuntaito -> gesundheit

Link to alias

While gezuntaito is the transliteration of the katakana name this artist uses on Pixiv and his works, it's derived from the German word Gesundheit, as he explains in his Pixiv profile bio. (Note also his twitter handle: gesundheit444)
As this word is also occasionally used as a loanword in American English (as an alternative to "Bless you!" when someone sneezes), it's also often used with the German spelling to tag his work in English-language eromanga sites such as ExHentai (see https://exhentai.org/tag/artist:gesundheit if you can get past the sad panda), so this change would help with cross-site consistency in this regard.

I'm not sure what the standard policy for artist names is here - are pure romanizations always preferred, even if it's clearly meant as a foreign word? If so, I guess this request can be ignored.

The tag alias gezuntaito -> gesundheit (alias #14739) has been rejected.

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