
Japanese vs English names

Posted under General

So how come some franchises get Japanese names while others english?

For example Pokemon gets japanese, Transformers gets English

I mean if you wanna make like a unique decision by having names 90% of the world doesnt know, at least be consistent about it.

iridescent_slime said:

@Grandotron Care to come up with some better examples? Pokémon has been Japanese-owned since the beginning, and the Transformers IP has belonged to Hasbro for decades. I don't see any inconsistency in using Japanese names for a Japanese brand and English names for an American brand.

Ooh okay then. So it's based on the original names, not the more used names. I just wanted to know the logic behind it

provence said:

Why don't we use then the Japanese name for Pokémon, too?
The "humans" are, but not the "creatures" (The Pokémon here are tagged with their English names, like charizard and not Lizardon). But both are green tags ans therefore characters.

Pokemon_(creature) names seem to be the largest exception to the rule. My guess is that there are no standardized romanizations for about half of the cast, whereas the English names are official and standardized. Digimon also seems to have same thing.