
'Unfavorite' shortcut

Posted under General

Hello. Small thing.
There is a keyboard shortcut to favorite a post (pressing 'F'), but there isn't one to unfavorite.
When you press 'F' on a post that is in your favorites the message 'You have already favorited this post' comes up.
I think it would make more sense for it to simply unfavorite and show the message 'You have unfavorited this post'.

I'm not that familiar with Javascript, but I don't know if the above is even possible.

Currently, the "F" key is bound to the "Favorite" link. If you have already favorited that post, then the "Favorite" link is still there... it is just being hidden, and the "Unfavorite" link is unhidden.

Binding the "F" key to both links would most likely not even work, or it could cause undesired behavior.

If a shortcut is desired, it would be better just to bind a new key like "U", however given the likely very low frequency that this function would be used, I'm not sure it's worth doing...

BrokenEagle98 said:

The above were just a suggestion for a potential hotkey scheme for upvoting/downvoting as I tried to indicate with "...?" at the end.

If someone has an idea for a different hotkey scheme, then please chime in.

Well, "upvoting" works when clicking "u" on the computer keyboard.
Downvoting could be added by the "-" on the computer keyboard.

The only thing missing then is "Unfavorite". I don't see any intuitive letter but the "u". But that is already taken. So my suggestion is to switch the "Upvoting" shortkey to "+" and "Unfavorite" becomes "u".

And then editing this page.

provence said:

The "u" key is responsible for upvoting. Also not mentioned on the page I linked.

I believe that's from my userscript. Alt+U or shift+U is downvote in my userscript, can't remember which.

"Upvote" on "+" and "downvote" on "-"? That’s pretty intuitive and both are quickly reachable on the numpad.

All other shortcuts are designed to be easily reachable with your left hand on WASD. I'd like to keep it that way. "V" would be ideal but it's taken. "U" is okay but it's more of a stretch. "+" and "-" would require switching your hand between the numpad and the mouse, assuming you even have a numpad; laptop users might not.

evazion said:

All other shortcuts are designed to be easily reachable with your left hand on WASD. I'd like to keep it that way. "V" would be ideal but it's taken. "U" is okay but it's more of a stretch. "+" and "-" would require switching your hand between the numpad and the mouse, assuming you even have a numpad; laptop users might not.

Unless you enforce a feature freeze, you’re going to run out of shortcuts around WASD sometime... If you have a numpad, you can hit + and - there with your right thumb without moving your hand off the mouse.

kittey said:

Unless you enforce a feature freeze, you’re going to run out of shortcuts around WASD sometime... If you have a numpad, you can hit + and - there with your right thumb without moving your hand off the mouse.

We're already almost out. Z, X, C, T, B are what remains. One of those would be easier to type, but the mnemonic wouldn't be as nice. I just want to be careful about choosing hotkeys, because there are a limited number of good keys and once something is assigned it's difficult to change.

re: OP's original problem, I'll look into making the fav key a toggle. That's always bothered me too, just not enough to do something about it.