
Question about Juicy Details pool

Posted under General

The description for the pool says, "Pictures shouldn't show the character's face. However it is OK if it's only partial." But what is considered partial? I've been populating the pool over the last while since I saw that it was a hugely underused pool, but I'm not positive as to how much a character's face can be seen for it to qualify. Let's use these varying examples that I added to the pool:

post #984913 (lower head only)
post #1135741 (upper head with eyes/looking back at viewer)
post #1674996 (faceless female)
post #1994401 (full face/mouth seen/eyes obscured by hair)
post #2288147 (back of the head)
post #2421839 (face seen in separate frame)
post #671664 (mini-girl/boy added in)
post #1376083 (mouth plus one eye seen)
post #2238553 / post #2306629 / post #2683364 (most of the face seen)
post #2666943 (normal character inset, with alternate view in the background)

If it were up to you guys, which ones would stay and which ones would be rejected based on such a vague qualifier? I'm looking to tighten the description better so that I have a better idea of what to add and what to leave alone for my mass tagging.