
Tag Alias: Shortcuts using the slash

Posted under General

I'd like the shortcuts
\km -> kuouzumiaiginsusutakeizumonokamimeichoujin_mika
\hm -> hong_meiling.

These raise a question.
(Edited for clarity)
All acronym shortcuts using the first letters of each word should have a forward slash "/". Currently about only 80-90% of them do.
In cases where there are two matching acronyms, the second should use a backslash \. This would allow for an easy way to create shortcuts for tags that share acronyms (like \sh for short hair) rather than creating variations that are hard to keep track of (like /syx for shikieiki_yamaxanadu).

Other than that, I'd like to take issue with the current aliases of weapons, guns, daggers, muscles and mushrooms to their respective singular forms, for the sake of consistency.

Oh, and one final note. I found the alias girl -> tagme to be particularly amusing, as I figured the creator was assuming that anyone who tags an image "girl" is clearly too stupid to tag their own images. Along that vein, can we create the alias nude_filter -> delete_me? :V


"mika_(resort_boin)" might be better than another cryptic acronym shortcut. That way it's possible to stumble upon it without reading the alias list.

The usual caution of "don't alias single names to full names" doesn't apply if the copyright is specified in the tag.
sue -> susanna_hopkins is no good, but sue_(genshiken) -> susanna_hopkins should be fine.

Macros often start with the slash, in many different environments (very common in IRC but also many games). The backslash on the other hand is commonly used for escaping instead.

Neither of them is intuitive (nobody used to macros would expect them to exist on Danbooru), and neither of them is better or worse. Though in earlier versions of the engine, the backslash was not supported in tagnames and had to be escaped.

In the end, the slash is what's being used here and there's no good reason to change this.

Using the forward slash for some and the backslash for others means you have to not only remember what the macro shortcut is, but also which type of slash to use. I think that would take more effort than is needed currently. Furthermore it would only double the possible macro namespace, so its use for resolving conflicts is quite limited.

I vote against using other characters than the slash for macros.

I'll agree with most of what's being said here. My post initially called for less use of the /, but in the end it's what I'm used to. I tried /gits a dozen times before I ever realized we had a gits alias.

However I disagree that the alternating slashes would be harder to remember, but that's maybe just me. The less I have to key in the better.

mika_(resort_boin) works for me as an alias.