
Tag Alias: aoi_manabu and naturalton

Posted under General

Aliasing manabu_aoi to aoi_manabu.

Reason: Japanese order: あおいまなぶ

Aliasing nachuraruton to naturalton.

Reason: Written なちゅらるとん, but the artist seems to show Natural㌧ is an alternate styling of name on his blog: http://falken555.blog28.fc2.com/ So from that, it seems "Naturalton" would be the proper romanization.

EDIT: Added another alias.

Updated by jxh2154

No real arguments about the latter, but a comment since I populated the tag in the first place: his website url has "chural" in it, as does post #184763. I'm not even sure if I was aware of the blog at the time, or whether that text was there (I wish there was some sort of history kept for artist entries).

"Chural-an" (ちゅらる庵) seems to be his circle name. You're right, though, there does appear to be some inconsistency there. I was looking for some proof of Naturalton at first since I saw it was the spelling used on the English Wikipedia for Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka (and didn't know if it was a guess or official in any way).