
Changes to commenting - Do Not Bump gone?

Posted under General

Basically, users were deleting images they uploaded because they got upset with mod decisions, or because they didn't want them to show up in google searches for their name, or other stupid reasons.

But that meant that other people couldn't re-upload the posts, or a mod had to purge the DB entry entirely causing loss of all assocated tags, notes, favorites, scores, history, etc.

So it's something that should be prohibited, except in unusual circumstances in which one should contact a mod/janitor to delete the post. Although it'd be fine to allow self-deletion for a short while in case of accidental uploads, like for a few hours, and prohibit it afterwards.

่‘‰ๆœˆ said:
It was completely untraceable and unaccountable for. Which means that if you were a little shit posting dumb comments, I could go and silence you, but if you were a little shit posting dumb comments anonymously, the best I could do was keep up with your comments and delete them.

Now, I'm not saying that just dumping anonymous comments (especially without any sort of warning or discussion) is the best solution, but the way it worked was a huge flaw in our moderation system.

Then why not put a tracer on it that only mods could see, so if some dumbass made a series of lame comments, the mods know who did it, but nobody else does?

Ichigo69 said: Then why not put a tracer on it that only mods could see, so if some dumbass made a series of lame comments, the mods know who did it, but nobody else does?

Because it's not worth the effort for albert. If you have something you'd be ashamed to post with a name attaches, it's better to just not post it.

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