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Agreeing with all the posters that Hawaiian pizza is tasty and good, actually. I mean, I can understand that the combination of sweet and savoury isn't for everyone, but people memeing like it's the Black Death all over again is a little much.

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    Coga said:

    Agreeing with all the posters that Hawaiian pizza is tasty and good, actually. I mean, I can understand that the combination of sweet and savoury isn't for everyone, but people memeing like it's the Black Death all over again is a little much.

    Sweet and savoury is great, but hear me out:
    Hawaiian pizza is both my parent's favorite pizza, and i've always loved pizza in general so i tried it for the first time when i was quite young, all happy to eat pizza as always, but i'll never forget the deception of the first bite. Both the pineapple's and pizza's taste felt very "blend" and faint, with the addition of a very faint but not very pleasant after-taste. The effect was comparable to the mix of cherries and chocolate but much worse.
    Though at first, i thought it was maybe just a one-time fuck-up from the place the pizza was bought from, i also was unable to comprehend how mixing something as tasty as pineapple with something as tasty as pizza could not make something great, but of course, turns out both of the times i gave hawaiian pizza another try later, it wasn't any better than my first experience. It's like the pineapple taste and pizza tastes cancel each-other out instead of actually mixing for me

    So i'm really curious, do you really taste both the pineapple and the pizza simultaneously? with No mutual taste-cancellation shenanigans?

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    Mayhem-Chan said:

    So i'm really curious, do you really taste both the pineapple and the pizza simultaneously? with No mutual taste-cancellation shenanigans?

    Depends on how it's done, to be honest. Pineapple goes great in burgers for some because it's either fresh or properly caramelized by being grilled separately. A cooked to order Hawaiian pizza probably has the same properties, but a reheated Hawaiian just makes the pineapple an oily soggy mess and there's no way the pineapple is fresh if the pizza wasn't assembled on location.

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    I already opened this can of worm once so my mind is already telling me not to do it again, but people should really stop with the whole "pineanpple on pizza = spawn of Satan" bs. If you have tried it and arrived at the conclusion that it's not for you, that's fine and I respect your opinion.

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