


blindVigil said:

Like how Danbooru uses original, on Pixiv it's supposed to be any work that doesn't take any elements from existing copyrights.

This is false. It has nothing to do with copyrights on Pixiv:

"Original (オリジナル) is a tag used to define works that are done, and created originally without taking any derivative elements from any existing works."

The opposite of Pixiv's "Original" tag would basically be the "derivative work" tag here. I used to upload my own art to Pixiv and it was required to choose this for anything that wasn't photo-referenced, a variation on someone else's work, etc.

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    honey.badger said:

    This is false. It has nothing to do with copyrights on Pixiv:

    "Original (オリジナル) is a tag used to define works that are done, and created originally without taking any derivative elements from any existing works."

    The opposite of Pixiv's "Original" tag would basically be the "derivative work" tag here. I used to upload my own art to Pixiv and it was required to choose this for anything that wasn't photo-referenced, a variation on someone else's work, etc.

    The unabashed confidence of someone with no idea what they're talking about.

    Original's Pixipedia said:

    Original (オリジナル, orijinaru) as a tag is for illustrations with content that is entirely created by the artist; specifically not related to any established fictional or non-fictional content.

    Do not use this tag for any sort of derivative works. Fanart, parody art, and fan characters related to an established franchise (e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog, Harry Potter, Pokémon, etc. fan characters) should NOT have this tag. In any of the above instances, use the tag related to the franchise in question so as to help better group the image with related fan works.

    Original is 100% a copyright tag. It's the difference between fanart and original creations. Maybe don't stop at the very first line, which you misinterpreted, if you're gonna quote something.

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    Akitsukii said:

    The artist's enthusiasm isn't in doubt, but why go to the trouble of making this short clip, when this exactly is already in the anime with a much higher quality?

    If the artist enjoys the pairing and wants to draw it, I think they should draw it. I personally welcome the fan content, and I don't think the series existing should make people not make fan content.

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    Akitsukii said:

    The artist's enthusiasm isn't in doubt, but why go to the trouble of making this short clip, when this exactly is already in the anime with a much higher quality?

    are you asking why one would draw a person when you can just take a picture?

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