


THEFAB123 said:

Can someone explain this wizardry to me? I'm too dumb to understand that.

I remember it being a transparent layer kinda thing.When websites usually shrink down images for thumbnails, they usually get converted to jpeg or something thus the layers are gone. At least till you view the full size again.

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    Tetsamaru said:

    I remember it being a transparent layer kinda thing.When websites usually shrink down images for thumbnails, they usually get converted to jpeg or something thus the layers are gone. At least till you view the full size again.

    Shinjidude said:

    There was a similar technique, where an artist would overlay two images, but interleave the pixels in a certain configuration so when scaled down it looked like one thing, but full sized it looked completely different like in post #893537.

    I see... thanks by both of you for the explanation.

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